| Britannica

| Britannica


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: It is certain that such great concentrations of population had never been seen in the subcontinent before that date. Clearly the exploitation of the Indus River floodplains and the use of the plow attested in Early Harappan times by finds in Kalibangan were matters of supreme importance. The Indus is at a minimum during the winter months and …

India – Agriculture and animal husbandry

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Originally posted 2023-12-20 16:04:19.

Author: Priya Sharma
With 29 years of expertise in the agricultural sector, Priya Sharma is a seasoned farmer and agriculture expert dedicated to transforming farming practices and promoting sustainable agriculture in India. Born and raised in a farming family, Priya developed a deep-rooted passion for agriculture from a young age, inspired by her parents' commitment to the land and their community.

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